NHPC Loktak Recruitment 2021 | Apply for Apprentices at NHPC Loktak Power Station

NHPC Loktak Recruitment 2021 | Apply for Apprentices at NHPC Loktak Power Station | NHPC Ltd ADVT. No. LOK/ HR/APPRENTICE/01/202

NHPC2 NHPC Loktak Recruitment 2021 | Apply for Apprentices at NHPC Loktak Power StationNHPC Limited (National Hydroelectric Power Corporation) is an Indian government hydropower board under the ownership of Ministry of Power, Government of India. The NHPC Limited invites applications in the prescribed format from the eligible candidates for the recruitment of Graduate,Ā  Technician and Trade Apprentices for training at Loktak Power Station, a unit of NHPC Limited. Intending and eligible candidates can apply for the Apprentice before closing of office hours on 25.11.2021 through India Post / Courier.

Candidates are suggested to be aware of the eligibility, mode of application, important date and other related information for the recruitment. Job seekers are also suggested to visit the website – www.jobshints.com regularly for latest updates of various jobs.

Details of NHPC Loktak Recruitment 2021 | Apply for Apprentice at Loktak Power Station

1. Name of Position: Graduate & Technician Apprentices

Name of Disciplines:
– Electrical
– Mechanical
– Civil
– Electronics & Communication
– IT / Computer Operator cum Programming Assistant (COPA).

1. The applicant should have passed the Degree / Diploma examination from any recognized institution as per ibid Act.
2. The Applicant who will be completing 3 years 3 months after having passed the qualifying Degree / Diploma as on 01.01.2022 and who have acquired prior training /experience for more than one year are not eligible to apply under this notification.
3. The absconded apprentice candidates from previous training are not eligible to apply.

During the training period stipend of Rs.9,000 monthly will be paid for Graduate Apprentice and Rs.8,000 will be paid monthly for Diploma / Technician Apprentice .

2. Name of Position: Trade Apprentices

Name of Disciplines:
– Electrician
– Lineman/Wireman
– Power Electrician
– Fitter
– Machinist
– Instrument Mechanic
– Mechanic (Motor Vehicle)
– Plumber
– Mason (Building Constructor)
– Carpenter

1. The applicant should have passed 10th Class under 10 + 2 system of education or its equivalent.
2. The applicant should have passed ITI examination from the recognized institution in the respective trade as per Apprentice Act, 1961.
3. The applicant should have completed minimum age of 14 years as on 01.01.2022.
4. The candidates who have acquired prior training/experience for more than one year and the candidates who have absconded previous apprenticeship training are not eligible to apply under this Notification.

Stipend: During the training period stipend of Rs.10,605 monthly will be paid

Duration of Training: 1 year

Documents to be enclosed :
1. Self-attested copies of Certificates in regard to proof of Age, Educational and Technical Qualification.
2. Copy of Domicile Certificate issued by the Competent Authority.
3. A Character Certificate (Original) issued by the Gazetted Officer.
4. SC/ST/OBC Applicants should attach the self-attested copy of Caste Certificate issued by the Competent Authority.
5. One passport size recent photograph signed on top of the photograph shall be affixed in the space as shown in the application format.
6. One self-addressed envelopes (Size 10ā€ x 8ā€) affixed with Rs. 45/- postal stamp.

Other Conditions :
1. The eligible Applicants have to enroll themselves in the National Apprenticeship Training Scheme (NATS) portal at www.mhrdnats.gov.in and Enrollment Number should be mentioned on the Application Form.
2. Canvassing in any form will be treated as un-suitability of the applicant.
3. The Management reserves the right to reject any application or modify the recruitment process/cancel the entire notification or part thereof without assigning any reason.
4. The selection for the training will not create/confer and /or confirm any right whatsoever for appointment in NHPC Ltd.
5. The selected candidates will not be provided with any accommodation (or any other facility). They will have to make their own arrangements for their stay during the training period.

Process of Selection:
The eligible and shortlisted candidates will be issued call letter for interview intimating the date and venue through email. Selection of the candidates will be made on the basis of performance during online / virtual Interview. No TA/DA will be paid to the candidates for appearing in the interview. At the time of reporting/joining for apprenticeship training, the selected candidates are required to submit a Medical Fitness Certificate issued by District Civil Surgeon or equivalent as per rules of Apprentice Act.

How to Apply:
The application form in the prescribed format neatly typed in double space on A4 size paper duly filled should be reached to the Senior Manager (HR), Liaison Office, NHPC Ltd., Manipur State Electricity Department (MSPDCL), Govt of Manipur, Keishampat, Post: Imphal, Manipur, PIN – 795001 before closing of office hours on 25.11.2021 through India Post / Courier. The applications received after the office closing hours of the last date of submission will not be entertained. If the closing date happens to be a holiday the next working date will be the closing dated. Queries, if any, may be addressed to the mail id: tnhrdloktak@gmail.com.

Important Date:
The last of submission of application is before closing of office hours on 25.11.2021.

Intending and and eligible candidates are suggested to to read the details carefully the official advertisement before applying from the links below:

— NHPC Short Notification for Graduate / Technician / Trade Apprentices: Click here

— NHPC Notification with Application Proforma for Graduate Apprentice / Technician Apprentice: Click hereĀ 

— NHPC Notification with Application Proforma for Trade Apprentice: Click here

— NHPC Limited website: http://www.nhpcindia.com

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