Evaluating Course of Action – Set 1 for Competitive Exams

1. Statement: The ‘X’ state government has chalked out a plan for the underdeveloped ‘Y’ district where 80% of the funds will be placed in the hands of a committee of local representatives.
Courses of action:
I. The ‘X’ state government should decide guidelines and norms for the functioning of the committee.
II. Other state government may follow similar plan if directed by the Central government.
A. If only I follows
B. If only II follows
C. If either I or II follows
D. If neither I nor II follows
E. If both I and II follow

Answer: A
Explanation: Once it is decided to place funds in the hands of the committee of local representatives, it is necessary to decide guidelines and norms for the functioning of the committee. Hence I follows. II is not related to the statement.

2. Statement: The district administration has agreed to provide necessary infrastructural facilities to the proposed NRI funded trust’s project of supply of clean water to city ‘Z’.
Courses of action:
I. The district administration should provide necessary land to the trust by completing due formalities.
II. The district administration should facilitate obtaining electricity and other permissions to the trust.
A. If only I follows
B. If only II follows
C. If either I or II follows
D. If neither I nor II follows
E. If both I and II follow

Answer: E
Explanation: If district administration has passed any project, it should provide all the required facilities.

3. Statement: The car dealer found that there was a tremendous response for the new XYZ’s car booking with long queues of people complaining about the duration of business hours and arrangements.
Courses of action:
I. People should make their arrangement of lunch and snacks while going for car XYZ’s booking and be ready to spend several hours.
II. Arrangement should be made for more booking desks and increase business hours to serve more people in less time.
A. If only I follows
B. If only II follows
C. If either I or II follows
D. If neither I nor II follows
E. If both I and II follow

Answer: B
Explanation: I is not a practical action. II follows because additional booking desks and increased business hours will shorten the queue.

4. Statement: The vegetable traders feel that the prices of onion will again go up shortly in the state P.
Courses of action:
I. The ‘P’ state government should purchase and store sufficient quantity of onion in advance to control price.
II. The ‘P’ state government should make available network of fair price shops for the sale of onions during period of shortage.
A. If only I follows
B. If only II follows
C. If either I or II follows
D. If neither I nor II follows
E. If both I and II follow

Answer: E
Explanation: It is responsibility of the state govt to provide essential commodities to its citizen at fair price. I and II both follow because both are the steps taken for the welfare of the citizens.

5. Statement: The ‘M’ state government has decided hence forth to award the road construction contracts through open tenders only.
Courses of action:
I. The ‘M’ state will not be able to get the work done swiftly as it will have to go through tender and other procedures.
II. Hence forth the quality of roads constructed may be far better.
A. If only I follows
B. If only II follows
C. If either I or II follows
D. If neither I nor II follows
E. If both I and II follow

Answer: D
Explanation: Neither talks bout what should be done. Both only suggest the probable consequence.

6. Statement: In response to the published tender notice, the company ‘Z’ has received 57 sealed tenders.
Courses of action:
I. The department concerned has to open the tenders and scrutinise them as per the procedure.
II. The purchase committee will have to meet and recommend to the management the parties identified for allotting tenders.
A. If only I follows
B. If only II follows
C. If either I or II follows
D. If neither I nor II follows
E. If both I and II follow
Answer: A
Explanation: I is the next suitable step, hence follows. The tender is related with which department, is not known. Hence II does not follow.

7. Statement: The company ‘X’ has decided to give 10% increase in salary to its employees from next month.
Courses of action:
I. The accounts department will have to prepare new salary statement for all employees before due date.
II. Employees association should ask for more rise in the salary considering the market condition.
A. If only I follows
B. If only II follows
C. If either I or II follows
D. If neither I nor II follows
E. If both I and II follow

Answer: A
Explanation: I is reasonable course of action. Hence follows. Nothing about the condition is known from the statement. Hence II does not follow.

8. Statement: The board of directors of the company ‘K’ has decided in principle to wind up or sell off its business in all but core competency areas.
Courses of action:
I. The top management will have to first identify core competency areas of its operation.
II. It will have to identify and shift its people from core competency areas to non core area.
A. If only I follows
B. If only II follows
C. If either I or II follows
D. If neither I nor II follows
E. If both I and II follow

Answer: A
Explanation: I is necessary. Winding up is not possible without this distinction. II makes no sense. Why should the best people be removed from an area you wish to retain?

9. Statement: The state ‘K’ is expecting bumper crop of rice this under its ‘Rice Purchase Guarantee Scheme’.
Courses of action:
I. Other farmers should also start cultivation of rice from the next year.
II. The price of rice will increase in the open market.
A. If only I follows
B. If only II follows
C. If either I or II follows
D. If neither I nor II follows
E. If both I and II follow

Answer: D
Explanation: Other crops are as important as rice. Hence shifting to rice production by all farmers would not be a sensible decision. Besides, next year the situation may change. Hence I does not follow. II is not a course of action.

10. Statement: The eligibility for appearing for Common Entrance Test (CET) for engineering in state ‘M’ is now raised to 60% from earlier 50% at HSC examination.
Courses of action:
I. Many candidates from state ‘M’ may not appear for CET this year and may appear for CET examinations of other states.
II. At pre examination screening candidates obtaining less than 60% at HSC will have to be eliminated.
A. If only I follows
B. If only II follows
C. If either I or II follows
D. If neither I nor II follows
E. If both I and II follow

Answer: B
Explanation: I is a conclusion, not a course of action. II is the right action.

11. Statement: According to the public health department of state ‘X’, the supply of contaminated water by the municipality is the main reason of the spread of the disease ‘A’ in the state.
Courses of action: I. State government should replace the head of the water supply department immediately.
II. State government should provide free water filter to its residents.
A. If only I follows
B. If only II follows
C. If either I or II follows
D. If neither I nor II follows
E. If both I and II follow

Answer: E
Explanation: II is an impractical solution. Hence does not follow. I does not address the problem. The action has to be issue based, not person based.

12. Statement: The proposed strike by the transporters would paralise day to day life of the people.
Courses of action:
I. City administrators should engage the transporters successfully in negotiations on their demands in order to pre-empt their strike.
II. City administrators should arrange for alternative public transportation system during the strike.
A. If only I follows
B. If only II follows
C. If either I or II follows
D. If neither I nor II follows
E. If both I and II follow

Answer: D
Explanation: The first course should be to try their best that transporters don’t go on strike. But it necessary that one is prepared with an alternative as well, in case the first course fails.

13. Statement: The government of state ‘Y’ has decided to remove hutments and buildings that have come up beside roads to broaden them in city ‘A’.
Courses of action:
I. The government of state ‘Y’ should rehabilitate the affected residents of hutments/buildings.
II. The government should compensate with reasonable amounts for the targeted houses.
A. If only I follows
B. If only II follows
C. If either I or II follows
D. If neither I nor II follows
E. If both I and II follow

Answer: C
Explanation: The affected residents can be compensated in either ways.

14. Statement: Since the new building is ready, the chairman of Bank XYZ has directed its administrative section to plan for shifting its headquarters to the new building.
Courses of action:
I. Administrative department should deliver infrastructural facilities for the new building immediately.
II. Administrative department should invite quotations from movers and packers.
A. If only I follows
B. If only II follows
C. If either I or II follows
D. If neither I nor II follows
E. If both I and II follow

Answer: A
Explanation: I is a right action. Hence follows. Inviting quotation from a single company is not a right action.
Hence II does not follow.

15. Statement: ABD Ltd company has decided to launch free education up to class X for the children of its employees from June 2000.
Courses of action:
I. The company should reduce its other expenditures to save money for the plan.
II. The company will have to prepare details for the execution of the plan.
A. If only I follows
B. If only II follows
C. If either I or II follows
D. If neither I nor II follows
E. If both I and II follow

Answer: E
Explanation: Money is very important for the execution of any plan. Reduction in other expenditures will definitely help to raise money. Hence I follows. Any programme can’t succeed without a good planning. Hence II follows.

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