Statements and Assumptions – Set 1 for Competitive Exams

1. Statement: Salary cannot be the only criteria for deciding a person’s potential.
I. Persons with equal potential are not necessarily paid equally.
II. Salary of a person is not linked only with the potential.
A. If only assumption I is implicit
B. If only assumption II is implicit
C. If either I or II is implicit
D. If neither I nor II is implicit
E. If both I and II are implicit

Answer: A
Explanation: I is implicit. If it were not so, equal potential would have implied equal salary and vice versa. This one to one correspondence could have made salary the only criteria to judge potential.
If II were implicit, if would mean salary is linked with factors other than potential. That is, potential can’t be the only criteria to decide salary. But this is on a track different from wheat the statement goes on.

2. Statement: “Everyone desires to buy a personal computer.” – Statement of a college student.
I. Personal computers are not a need but a luxury.
II. Use of personal computer improves quality of skill.
A. If only assumption I is implicit
B. If only assumption II is implicit
C. If either I or II is implicit
D. If neither I nor II is implicit
E. If both I and II are implicit

Answer: D
Explanation: Material desires of a person are determined by three factors — the basic necessity, the utility of items purchased and the appetite for luxury items. Hence I can’t be the assumption. II is also not implicit.

3. Statement: “The city’s top ranker for SSC examination this year will be definitely from our school.” – Principal of a school ‘X’.
I. The teachers of the school have prepared their students thoroughly.
II. Most of intelligent students in the city are studying in school ‘X’.
A. If only assumption I is implicit
B. If only assumption II is implicit
C. If either I or II is implicit
D. If neither I nor II is implicit
E. If both I and II are implicit

Answer: A
Explanation: As a principal, he trusts his teacher that they would have prepared the students thoroughly. So that they could appear in the list of toppers. Hence I is implicit. Only intelligence cannot be the basis of the Principal’s statement. Hence II is not implicit.

4. Statement: “It has become a necessity to computerise all the functions of our institute to maintain the present position.” – statement of the Director of XYZ institute.
I. Unless computerised, the institute will fall behind in the race.
II. The functions of the institute are too complex to be handled manually.
A. If only assumption I is implicit
B. If only assumption II is implicit
C. If either I or II is implicit
D. If neither I nor II is implicit
E. If both I and II are implicit

Answer: E
Explanation: I is implicit from the need “to maintain the present position.” But why the question of lag? Must be because computers are much more efficient than manual labourers. And this holds true only for complex tasks. Hence II is implicit.

5. Statement: “‘Music Loving Club’ has announced a wide variety of programmes by the visiting musicians.” – An advertisement.
I. A large number of people are interested to get entertainment through the programme.
II. The artistes may attract a large number of audience.
A. If only assumption I is implicit
B. If only assumption II is implicit
C. If either I or II is implicit
D. If neither I nor II is implicit
E. If both I and II are implicit

Answer: E
Explanation: Why has the club announced a wide variety of music programmes by the visiting musicians? The organisers must be assuming that the musicians may be able to play a variety of programmes to interest the people. Besides this, they must be assuming also that the programme will attract audience. Thus, both I and II are implicit.

6. Statement: Central Bank, which is the largest bank in the country, has decided to reduce its workforce by 30% so that its banks may work efficiently.
I. The bank can perform all its activities after the reduction in workforce.
II. The surplus employees may be asked to adopt early retirement scheme before leaving the bank.
A. If only assumption I is implicit
B. If only assumption II is implicit
C. If either I or II is implicit
D. If neither I nor II is implicit
E. If both I and II are implicit

Answer: A
Explanation: I is implicit; that is why the bank expects to work efficiently. II may or may not be an assumption. Hence, II is not implicit.

7. Statement: The principal instructed all the teachers to be careful in class because some students may disturb other students.
I. The teachers may handle the situation properly and they may restrict the naughty students.
II. The students will welcome the decision of the Principal.
A. If only assumption I is implicit
B. If only assumption II is implicit
C. If either I or II is implicit
D. If neither I nor II is implicit
E. If both I and II are implicit

Answer: A
Explanation: I is implicit; that is why the principal instructed the teachers to carry the responsibility. II is not implicit. The mischievous section may not welcome the decision.

8. Statement: The State Government has abolished the scheme of providing concessional air ticket to students.
I. Students will not travel by air in future.
II. The students who resort to travel by air can bear the expense of air ticket.
A. If only assumption I is implicit
B. If only assumption II is implicit
C. If either I or II is implicit
D. If neither I nor II is implicit
E. If both I and II are implicit

Answer: B
Explanation: I is not implicit. In reality it contradicts the actual assumption. Again, why has government abolished the scheme? The government must be assuming II.

9. Statement: The police has served a notice to the residents with immediate effect to be careful of the antisocial elements wandering in their areas.
I. The local residents may pay heed to this notice.
II. The antisocial elements may ply to other areas.
A. If only assumption I is implicit
B. If only assumption II is implicit
C. If either I or II is implicit
D. If neither I nor II is implicit
E. If both I and II are implicit

Answer: A
Explanation: The notice has been aimed at reducing criminal activities. How can the criminal activities be reduced without people’s participation? Hence, the police must be assuming I. But we are not sure about II. Hence, II is not implicit.

10. Statement: The simplest and most cost effective way to upgrade your home – exchange your old furniture and get 25% to 33% off on the new furniture. – An advertisement of a furniture company.
I. Now a days there is no demand for furniture product unless some attractive scheme is offered.
II. Some customers always desire to have best quality and do not bother either for cost or for convenience.
III. Some customers want to keep their home up to date with reasonable cost and with less hassles.
A. Only III
B. Only II
C. Only I
D. Only I and II
E. None of these

Answer: A

11. Statement: Tender specification will not be issued to the firms where there is 25% or more default in supplies against earlier purchase orders placed on them. – Condition of a company ‘X’ inviting tenders for purchase of material.
I. The company ‘X’ will be watching the quality of performance of its suppliers.
II. This time the firms should note to keep the percentage of default as less as possible.
III. The company ‘X’ expects quality and professional approach from its suppliers.
A. Only I
B. Only II
C. Only III
D. Either II or III and I
E. None of these

Answer: E

12. Statement: Several labour and industrial courts in this state have no proper premises. Vacancies of judges and stenos are kept pending. – A statement of a retired judge of state ‘X’.
I. Adequate number of staff and judges helps in smooth functioning of the industrial and labour courts.
II. The state is not bothered about the condition of the labour and industrial courts.
III. Physical facilities of an office help in increasing efficiency of its employees.
A. Only II
B. Only I and III
C. Only II and III
D. All I, II and III
E. None of these

Answer: B

13. Statement: “A rare opportunity to be a professional while you are at home.” – An advertisement for computer-literate housewives by a computer company.
I. Some housewives simultaneously desire to become professional.
II. Computer industry is growing at a fast pace.
III. It is possible to be a professional as well as a housewife.
A. Only I and II
B. Only II and III
C. Only I and III
D. Only II
E. None of these

Answer: C

Explanation: Assuming I, the company has advertised for housewives. If it were not possible, the company would not go for such an advertisement. Hence, III is implicit.
14. Statement: India’s economic growth has come at a terrible price of increased industrial and vehicular pollution.
I. Pollution is a part of industrial society.
II. Indian economic growth is based on only industrial growth.
III. A country desires economic growth with manageable side effects.
A. Only I
B. Only II
C. Only I and III
D. Only III
E. None of these

Answer: C
Explanation: I is implicit in the phrase “industrial .. pollution.” II is not implicit because of the word only. III is implicit from the concern shown at the “terrible price.”

15. Statement: Move into the upper echelons without paying a steep price. Book a luxurious flat with us. – Advt. of a construction company for its prestigious project.
I. It is possible to join the select band of rich people by hard work.
II. Staying in luxury without paying steep price is the criterion of upper crust of society.
III. Booking a luxurious flat is very easy now.
A. Only II
B. Only III
C. Only II and III
D. None
E. None of these

Answer: D
Explanation: Nothing is hinted about “hard work” or “upper crust of society.” hence neither I nor II is implicit. III is also not implicit: In general, it is not very “easy”, rather, one has to pay “a steep price”.

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