Rajiv Gandhi National Fellowship for SC / ST Candidates

Rajiv Gandhi National Fellowship for SC / ST Candidates

XIth Guidelines

The Rajiv Gandhi National Fellowship (RGNF) Scheme for Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribes is formulated and funded by Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment and Ministry of Tribal Affairs. The scheme is open to candidates who belong to Scheduled Caste & Scheduled Tribe and wish to pursue higher studies such as regular and full time M.Phil. and Ph.D degrees in Sciences, Humanities, Social Sciences and Engineering & Technology. There are 1333 slots for Scheduled Caste and 667 slots for Scheduled Tribe candidates every year for all the subjects. 3% fellowships are reserved for the Physically Handicapped SC/ST candidates as per provision laid down by the Govt. of India.

The scheme has been initiated keeping in view the social background of the candidates for the deprived section of the society and to provide them opportunity to undertake advanced studies and research. The objective of this award is to provide fellowships in the form of financial assistance to the students belonging to SC/ST to pursue higher studies leading to M.Phil and Ph.D degrees (full-time) in Sciences, Humanities and Social Sciences and Engineering & Technology, in Indian Universities/Institutions/ Colleges approved under Section 2(f) and 12(B) of the UGC Act. and in Non-Universities/Institutions.

TARGET GROUP: The SC/ST Candidates who have passed the Post Graduate examination in concerned subject and who desire to pursue full-time research without JRF of UGC-NET or UGC-CSIR NET.

ELIGIBILITY: The candidate should belong to SC/ST and should have passed the Post Graduate examination. The selection will be made on the basis of merit of the candidates. The candidate must get himself/herself registered for M.Phil./Ph.D at the first available opportunity but not later than within a period of two years from the receipt of award letter. This period is not extendable. However, the actual payment of fellowship will be made with effect from thedate of joining only.

The tenure of fellowship is initially for two years under the RGNF Scheme. Before expiry of this period, the work of the Fellow will be evaluated by a Committee of three members comprising of Head of the Department, Supervisor and one outside subject expert to be constituted by the concerned Department of the /University/Institution/College. If the research work is found satisfactory, his/her tenure will be extended further for a period of three years under the enhanced emoluments of the Rajiv Gandhi National Senior Research Fellowship (RGNSRF). The recommendation of the Committee shall be submitted to the UGC for upgradation to the level of RGNSRF.(Annexure-VIII). The work done and the time spent on scholarships or fellowships of any agency other than the UGC will not be taken into account while considering the proposals for enhancement in the value of fellowship. The fellowship may be withdrawn if the work is not considered satisfactory or the candidate fails in any of the
examinations related to Ph.D.

In case the work for the first two years is not found satisfactory, an additional year will be given to him/her for improvement. However, during this period he/she will be designated as Rajiv Gandhi National Junior Research Fellow. In such cases work will be evaluated again before third year of the tenure, and if improvement is found, the Fellow will get two more years under the RGNSRF. Thus, the total period of fellowship (RGNJRF and RGNSRF) is for five years, with no further provision of extension.
The fellow doing M.Phil will be paid fellowship amount upto the period of 2 years or the date of dissertation whichever is earlier. The fellow doing Ph.D will be paid fellowship amount upto 5 years or the date of viva whichever is earlier.

The amount of fellowship/contingency etc. must be paid to the fellow by the University/Institute/ College in the first week of every month.
Fellowship in Science, Humanities and Social Science (JRF):Ā @Rs.12,000/-p.m. for initial two years,Ā @Rs.14,000/-p.m. for remaining tenure

Fellowship in Engg. & TechnologyĀ (SRF)Ā : @Rs.14,000/-p.m. for initial two years,Ā  @Rs.15,000/-p.m. for remaining tenure

Contingency A (Humanities & Social Sciences ) : @Rs.10,000/-p.a. for initial two years, @Rs.20,500/-p.a. for remaining tenure

Contingency B (Science, Engg. & Technology):Ā  @Rs.12,000/-p.a. for initial two years,Ā @Rs.25,000/-p.a. for remaining tenure

Departmental Assistance: @Rs. 3000/- p.a. per student to the host institution for providing infrastructure (All Subject )

Escorts / Reader assistance: @ Rs. 2000/- p.m. in cases of physically handicapped & blind candidates (All Subject)

HRA: As per rules of the University/ Institutions (All Subject).

HOUSE RENT ALLOWANCE: Suitable single-seated hostel accommodation may be provided to RGNJRF candidate in the University/Institution/College. In case of non-availability, HRA as per rules of the university/ institution/ college will be paid to the Fellow subject to the submission of an HRA certificate through the Registrar/Director/Principal. Rajiv Gandhi
National Junior Research Fellow provided with accommodation in a hostel recognized/maintained by the institutions may be reimbursed the hostel fee, excluding mess, electricity, water charges, etc. A certificate to this effect is to be furnished through the Registrar/Principal (Annexure II). If the fellow makes his/her own arrangements of accommodation, he/she may be entitled to draw HRA as per categorization of the cities by the Government of India. The fellow will submit a certificate for the purpose to the UGC for claiming HRA through the concerned University/Institution / College.

Medical: No separate/fixed medical assistance is provided. However, the Fellow may avail of the medical facilities available in the University/Institution/College.

Leave: The candidates are entitled for a maximum period of 30 days of leave in a year in addition to public holidays. They are not entitled to any other vacations. Women candidates are eligible for maternity leave of 135 days at full rates of fellowship once during the tenure of theiraward.

In special cases Rajiv Gandhi National Junior Research Fellow may be allowed leave without fellowship by the Commission upto one academic year during the entire tenure of the award for accepting teaching assignments on a temporary basis, provided the assignment is in the same city/town. In other cases, leave without fellowship will be restricted to a period not exceeding three months during the tenure of the award on the recommendations of the supervisor and the institution. The period of leave without fellowship will be counted towards the total tenure of the award. RGNJRF/RGNSRFs are advised to apply for leave through University/Institution/ Colleges well in advance for the approval of the Commission.

Applications are invited in the prescribed format (Annexure-I) once in a year through advertisement in leading newspapers and Employment News. The same is also uploaded in the UGC Website www.ugc.ac.in The selection is made on the basis of merit and as per the procedure of the Commission.

Applications received will be scrutinized, and short listed by the Commission. The decision of the Commission will be final and binding. The Commission reserves the right to withdraw/cancel the award without assigning any reason. On completion of the above formalities, the Joining Report of the candidate, duly signed by the supervisor/head of department is to be sent to the UGC through the Registrar/Director/Principal. On receipt of the Joining Report and other required documents (Annexure III), the admissible grant for the first year will be released or the concerned university will be informed to release the grant from the funds already sanctioned by the Commission for this purpose.

On receipt of UGC approval/award letter, the institutions may pay the fellowship amount to the fellows and meet expenses from the grants paid by the Commission for the purpose in accordance with the rules. For the release of subsequent installments of the grant, that is, fellowship, contingency and departmental assistance, etc., a Utilisation Certificate along with a statement of expenditure incurred may be sent to the Commission by the concerned University/Institution/College (Annexures IV, V, VI and VII).

1. The fellow will undertake full-time research work under the approved guide in a subject selected by him and approved by the university/selection committee.

2. The fellow shall present to the university, through his/her supervisor, half-yearly progress reports ending the month of June and December, and the University/Institution/College will maintain a record of progress by obtaining the same.

3. If a fellow wishes to relinquish the fellowship during the tenure, it should be done with the prior approval of the University/Institution/College and the Commission. The fellow should also obtain prior permission of the University/Institution/College and Commission for appearing in any examination conducted by any University/Institution/College or public body.

4. The fellow shall not accept or hold any appointment, paid or otherwise, or receive emoluments, salary, stipend, etc. from any other source during the tenure of the award. The fellow, with the consent of the guide/head of department, may assist the University/Institution/College in its academic work, including tutorials, evaluation of test papers, laboratory demonstration work, seminar symposia, etc., provided such work is not likely to hamper the research programme on hand.

5. The fellowship may be terminated at any time without assigning any reasons and the Commission’s decision in this regard shall be final and binding. No extension is permissible beyond the total period of five years and Awardee ceases to be a RGNJRF / RGNSRF immediately after expiry of the tenure.

The University/ Institution/College shall admit the fellows under RGNF scheme for research leading to M.Phil. or Ph.D. irrespective of the stipulated number of research students assigned to the Supervisor or the Department in the concerned subjects.

The Fellow will be permitted to transfer the fellowship from one University/Institution/College to another University/Institution/College under special circumstances with prior approval of the UGC on the basis of ā€œNo Objection Certificateā€ from both Universities/ Institution/College.

However, the Fellow shall be relieved by the previous University / Institution / College only after his accounts are settled and unspent balance if any, refunded to the UGC.

Desiring and deserving candidates are suggested to check the official information and website for more details:

Official notification:Ā Click hereĀ 

Official website:Ā www.ugc.ac.in

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