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Contemporary India and Education


UNIT-I Concept and Aims Education:

Meaning and definitions of Education-Formal, non-formal and informal education Various levels of Education-Objectives-pre-primary, primary, secondary and higher secondary education and various statuary boards of education -Aims of Education in Contemporary Indian society Determinants of Aims of Education.

UNIT-II Social Realities of Indian Society and Education:

Rich Cultural Heritage – Diversity in Indian Society; Inequality and Marginalization- Schisms in terms of Caste, Religion, Language, Region and their demands on Education-Forms and Bases of Social Stratification -Impact of Social Stratification on Education and Vice versa ;Culture and Education – Meaning and definitions of culture – Characteristics of culture- Dimensions of culture, cultural lag, cultural pluralism – Role of Education in preservation, transmission and promotion of culture.

UNIT-III Education, Social Change and Social Transformation:

The concepts of social change –Technology Factors of social change -Role of education in the process of social change – Agencies of Socialization -Factors influencing the Learner -Socio- Cultural factors: Family, School environment, Community, Peer group -Political: policies, provisions -Socio-Economic: Poverty, Gender, Religion, Caste and Class -Psycho-Social: Parents. Teachers. Classroom Climate, School, Ethnicity

UNIT-IV Indian And western Thinkers and their Contribution to Education:

Gandhiji’s Basic Education-Concept of Education-Gandhiji’s conception of knowledge- method of instruction and evaluation-Tagore-Tagore’s conception of knowledge-values-Freedom and discipline-method of instruction and evaluation-John Dewey-Dewey’s concept of knowledge- values-method of instruction and evaluation-Rousseau – Rousseau’s concept of knowledge- method of instruction and evaluation-J. Krishnamoorthy- concept of knowledge and freedom in learning-Sri Aurobindo-Sri Arobindo’s concept of knowledge-method of instruction and evaluation.

UNIT-V Issues in Indian Society and Education:

Equalization of Educational Opportunities — SC/ ST, OBC, Women, Handicapped and religious minorities-Population, poverty-illiteracy-measures adopted for eradicating illiteracy Child labour-causes for child labour-government measures of child labour-Transit schools Unemployment and under employment-Privatization in Education.

UNIT-VI Policy Framework for Public Education in India:

Education in Pre-Independent India — significant recommendations of commissions and committees -Education in Post-Independent India — Significant recommendations of Commissions and Committees-National Policy on Education — 1986, 1992 -Universalization of Elementary Education — Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan, RTE ACT 2009, RMSA, MHRD and Elementary education, Major functions of UGC, NUPEA, NCTE, NCERT, SCERT and TANSCHE in relation to the development of education.

UNIT-VII Innovative Trends:

Introduction- objectives-community schools; Distance Education-need- objectives and features f distance education; Open –learning-common barriers to learning-open school system- open university and the major functions of DEB/DEC, Schools for the challenged-Adopting instruction-school education Globalization/Liberalization-Factors behind-Globalization and Education

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