Ministry of Defence recruitment 2021 for Video Operator, Cycle Fitter, Barber, Cook, Electrician, Clerk, MTS, other posts β€” 39 posts

Ministry of Defence recruitment 2021 for Video Operator, Cycle Fitter, Barber, Cook, Electrician, Clerk,Β  MTS, other posts — 39 posts Ministry of Defence, HQ, Army War College invites applications from citizen of India for the recruitment of Cinema Projectionist / Video Operator / Mech / Mixer / Photographer, Stenographer Grade-II, Stenographer Grade-II, Lower Division Clerk,…

Sports Authority of India recruitment 2020 for 347 posts – Masseur, Pharmacist, Lab Technician, Physiotherapist, etc

Sports Authority of India invites application for the recruitment of Anthropometrist, Exercise Physiologist, Strength & Conditioning Expert, Biomechanist, Psychologist, Biochemist, Sports Medicine, Doctor, Physiotherapist, Masseur/ Masseuse, Pharmacist, Nursing Assistant, Lab Technician for Medical Labs and Lab Technician (Non medical) at different level (Lead, Grade III, II, I) on contract basis at various SAI Centres. The…

AAICLAS recruitment 2019 through walk in interview for Security Screeners — 227 posts

Airports Authority of India Cargo Logistics & Allied Services Company Limited (AAICLAS) India invites applications from bright and energetic Indian Nationals to join as Security Screeners (BCAS Certified Only) on a Fixed Term Contract basis for a period of 3 years at Kolkata, Ahmedabad, Calicut and Chennai Airport. Walk-in-interview will be conducted for filling up…

IDBI Bank recruitment 2019 for Assistant Managers for Graduates — 600 posts

Industrial Development Bank of India (IDBI Bank) invites applications from young, dynamic graduates for admissions to Manipal School of Banking, Bengaluru for 1 year Post Graduate Diploma in Banking and Finance (PGDBF) comprising of 9 months of classroom studies at MGES, Bengaluru and 3 months Internship at IDBI Bank’s Branches. After the successful completion of…

IBPS recruitment 2019 for Office Assistants, Officers, Managers for Graduates– 8400 posts

Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS) has issued notification for the recruitment of Group β€œA”-Officers (Scale-I, II & III) and Group β€œB”-Office Assistant (Multipurpose) posts in Regional Rural Banks (RRBs)  through the system of Common Recruitment Process. The details of the posts are mentioned below: 1. Name of the post: Office Assistant (Multipurpose) No of vacancies:…

NYKS recruitment 2019 of 337 posts — MTS, Clerks, Computer Operator, Stenographer and other posts

Nehru Yuva Kendra Sangathan (NYKS) is an autonomous body of the Ministry of Youth Affairs & Sports, Government of India. It mobilizes youth through Youth Clubs and involves them in nation building activities and inculcate in them such values and skills that they become productive and responsible citizens of a modern, secular, democratic & technological…

West Bengal Postal Circle recruitment 2019 for the post of staff drivers at Mail Motor Services, Kolkata

West Bengal Postal Circle invites applications from eligible Indian citizens to fill up the posts of Staff Car Driver (Ordinary Grade) General Central Service, Gr-C, Non Gazetted, Non Ministerial at Mail Motor Services, Kolkata. The details of the post are indicated below: Name of the post: Staff Car Driver No. of vacancies: 9 Salary: Rs….

State Bank of India Junior Associates recruitment 2019 — 9086 vacancies

State Bank of India invites applications from eligible Indian Citizens for appointment as Junior Associate (Customer Support & Sales) in clerical cadre in the bank. Advertisement No: CRPD/CR/2019-20/03 Name of the post: Junior Associate (Customer Support & Sales) No. of vacancies: 9086 Places of posting: Gujarat, Dadra & Nagar Haveli, Daman & Diu, Andhra Pradesh,…

Airline Allied Services Limited co-pilot recruitment 2019 – 10 posts

Airline Allied Services Limited (A wholly owned subsidiary of Air India Limited) invites applications from Indian nationals for filling up of Co-Pilot (P2). Selected candidates will be appointed on a fixed term contract for a period of 5 (five) years, extendable for another 5 (five) years subject to satisfactory performance. Name of the post: Co-Pilot…