IARI Recruitment 2021 For 641 Technician Posts | Apply Online

IARI Recruitment 2021 For 641 Technician Posts | Indian Agricultural Research Institute Notification F.No. 1-1/2021/Rectt. Cell/Technical (CBT) The Indian Agricultural Research Institute (IARI) invites online for recruitment to the posts of Technician (T-1) under Direct Recruitment in Pay Level-3 of 7th CPC Pay Matrix at ICAR Research Institutes in accordance with the rules issued by…

Rural Development and Panchayati Raj Department Manipur Recruitment 2021 | Apply for 84 RDPRD Manipur vacancies

Rural Development and Panchayati Raj Department Manipur Recruitment 2021 | Secretariat of Rural Development and Panchayati Raj Department Notification No.1/5/2017-RD(MC)/DRDA Secretariat of Rural Development and Panchayati Raj Department invites applications from willing and eligible candidates for filling -up of the posts of Office Assistant, Driver, Stenographer Grade-III and Grade-IV Peon in DRDA wing on contract…

Department of Social Welfare Manipur Recruitment 2021 for various posts | Qualifications: Literate, Class 10, Graduate, ANM, MBBS

Department of Social Welfare Manipur Recruitment 2021 for various posts at De-Addiction Centre Sunusiphai | Directorate of Social Welfare Manipur Notification No. 1/10/2016-SW(IRCA)Pt-1 The Department of Social Welfare, Manipur invites applications from willing and eligible candidates for the recruitment of the posts of Project Coordinator cum Vocational Counsellor, Doctor (Part-time), Counsellor / Social Worker /…

Manipur Tourism Department Recruitment 2021 for OA / LDC / Stenographer and Grade IV / Peon / Borkandaz

Manipur Tourism Department Recruitment 2021 for OA / LDC / Stenographer and Grade IV / Peon / Borkandaz | Manipur Directorate of Tourism Notification No. 1/453/2021-DTSM/665 Directorate of Tourism, Government of Manipur invites applications in prescribed format candidates application in prescribed format for the appointment of the posts of Office Assistance/ LDC/Stenographer and Grade IV…

Manipur Social Welfare Department Recruitment 2021 for Grade III and Grade IV posts | Apply for 50 vacant posts

Manipur Social Welfare Department Recruitment 2021 for Grade III and Grade IV posts | Directorate of Social Welfare Manipur Government Notification No. No.1 /222/2020-D(SW)/Appt. Directorate of Social Welfare, Government of Manipur invites applications in prescribed format from willing and eligible candidates for recruitment of posts of Stenographer-Grade-III, LDA/Office Assistant, Driver, Grade IV/Peon, Sweeper and Chowkidar…

MPSC Manipur Police Recruitment 2021 for SO and SA | Apply Online

MPSC Manipur Police Recruitment 2021 for SO and SA posts| Manipur Public Service Commission Advertisement No. 7/6/2019-MPSC(DR) Manipur Public Service Commission (MPSC) invites application for the direct recruitment for the posts of Scientific Officer and Scientific Assistant Vacancy in Forensic Science Laboratory, Pangei under Police Department, Manipur. The total no of posts is 6. Hence…

Alliance Air Aviation Limited Recruitment 2021 for 40 Supervisor Security | Apply Now

Alliance Air Aviation Limited Recruitment 2021 for 40 Supervisor Security | Apply Now Alliance Air Aviation Limited, a wholly owned subsidiary of Air India Limited invites online applications from willing and eligible candidates for the recruitment of Supervisor Security on a fixed term contract for a period of 5 years. The total no of post…

Manipur Khadi and Village Industries Board Recruitment 2021 for various posts | Apply for 34 vacant posts

Manipur Khadi and Village Industries Board Recruitment 2021 for various posts | Manipur Khadi and Village Industries Board Lamphelpat File No. MKB/APT/2010(Pt) Manipur Khadi and Village Industries Board invites application from intending candidates for the appointment of the posts of Account Officer, Development Officer, Auditor, Inspector, Supervisor, Instructor, Recovery Fieldsman, UDC, Sales Asstt., Asstt. Auditor,…

Manipur Social Welfare Department Recruitment 2021 for PMMVY posts | Apply for 34 PMMVY vacancies

Manipur Social Welfare Department Recruitment 2021 for PMMVY posts | Directorate of Social Welfare Manipur Government Notification No. No. 1/1/2017-ICDS/PMMVY  Directorate of Social Welfare, Government of Manipur invites applications from willing and eligible candidates for recruitment of various posts / positions on contractual basis under Pradhan Mantrl Matru Vandana Yojana (PMMVY). The total no of…

Manipur Social Welfare Department Mahila Shakti Kendra Recruitment 2021 | Apply for 32 Mahila Shakti Kendra posts

Manipur Social Welfare Department Mahila Shakti Kendra Recruitment 2021 | Directorate of Social Welfare Manipur Government Notification No.7/90/2018-SW(MSK) Directorate of Social Welfare, Government of Manipur invites applications from willing and eligible candidates for recruitment of posts / positions of State Project Coordinator, Specialist Gender, Research Officer, Training and Research Officer, Assistant, Women Welfare Officer and…

JNIMS Recruitment 2021 for Project Technical Support and Lab Technician / DEO | Jobshints Manipur

JNIMS Recruitment 2021 for Project Technical Support and Lab Technician/DEO | JNIMS Notification No. 1/06.657/NHM/JNIMS/2018 J.N. Institute of Medical Sciences (JNIMS) Manipur invites applications from eligible candidates to a Walk-in-Interview for engagement to the posts of Project Technical Support and Lab Technician cum D.E.O for a short-term project of 18 months on ICMR Project entitled…

Manipur Social Welfare Department Recruitment 2021 for Poshan Abhiyan posts | Apply for 129 Poshan Abhiyan vacancies

Manipur Social Welfare Department Recruitment 2021 for Poshan Abhiyan posts | Directorate of Social Welfare Manipur Government Notification No.8/30/2017-18(SNP)SW Directorate of Social Welfare, Government of Manipur invites applications from willing and eligible candidates for recruitment of various posts / positions of Consultants, Accountant, Project Associate, Secretarial Assistant / DEO, Office Messenger / Peon, District Coordinator,…

Directorate of Agriculture Manipur Recruitment 2021 for AO, AAO, FA / VEW posts | Apply for 85 vacancies

Directorate of Agriculture Manipur Recruitment 2021 for AO, AAO, FA / VEW posts | Directorate of Agriculture Manipur Notification No.AGM-I/1/97(Pt-V) Directorate of Agriculture, Government of Manipur invites application in the prescribed format from intending and eligible candidates for appointment to the posts of Agriculture Officer, Assistant Agriculture Officer and Field Assistant (FA) / Village Extension…