UPSC recruitment of Assistant Advisers (Public Health Engineering)

Online applications are invited by the UPSC for the posts of two Assistant Advisers (Public Health Engineering), Central Public Health and Environmental Engineering Organisation (CPHEEO), Ministry of Urban Development. The details of the post is given below:

No of post: 2 (OBC-01, UR-01).

Name of the post: Assistant Adviser (Public Health Engineering)

Salary: PB-3 (Rs.15600-39100) Plus Grade Pay Rs. 6600/-.

Qualifications: Essential: (A) Educational: (i) Degree in Civil Engineering or Environmental Engineering or Public Health Engineering from a recognized University or Institute or passed A and B examination of the Institution of Engineers (India) in Civil Engineering; (ii) Post Graduate degree in Public Health Engineering or Environmental Engineering from a recognized University or Institute.

(B) Experience: Five years experience in Public Health Engineering or Environmental Engineering or Municipal Services in a government department or semi- government organization or public body including investigation, design, construction, operation and maintenance of water supply or drainage or solid waste management systems and sewerage installations.

NOTE: The qualifications are relaxable at Commissionā€™s discretion in case of candidates otherwise well qualified.

Age: 40 years

Application fee: (a) Candidates are required to pay a fee of Rs. 25/- (Rupees Twenty five) only either by remitting the money in any branch of the SBI by cash or by using net banking facility of the SBI or by using visa/master credit/debit card.

(b) No fee for SC/ST/PH/Women candidates of any community. No “fee exemption” is available to OBC male candidates and they are required to pay the full prescribed fee.

(c) Applications without the prescribed fee would not be considered and summarily rejected. No representation against such rejection would be entertained.

(d) Fee once paid shall not be refunded under any circumstance nor can the fee be held in reserve for any other examination or selection.

Mode of selection: Interview or Recruitment Test followed by interview.

How to apply:Ā Candidates must apply online through the website

Candidates are requested to apply only Online against this advertisement on the Online Recruitment Application (ORA) website and NOT write to the Commission for Application forms. They are also requested to go through carefully the details of posts and instructions published.

Applications received through any other mode would not be accepted and summarily rejected.

Important dates:Ā (1) The closing date for submission of online recruitment application (ORA) through ORA website is 23:59 hrs on 28.09.2017.

(2) The last date for printing of completely submitted online application is upto 23:59 hrs on 29.09.2017.

Detailed Advertisement: Intending and eligible candidates can check the official detailed advertisement of the posts through the link: UPSC recruitment of two Junior Scientific Officers (Chemistry)

Candidates are further suggested to visit the website for related information.


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