RIMS Staff Nurse Recruitment 2021 | Apply for 48 RIMS Nurse vacancies

RIMS Staff Nurse Recruitment 2021 | RIMS Notification No. B/ 3552/2021/RIMS Regional Institute of Medical Sciences, Imphal invites applications from eligible and intending candidates to fill up the posts of Staff Nurse under the Scheme of ECRP (Emergency CO VID Response Plan-II) on contract basis. Hence intending candidates are suggested to be aware of the…

NIT Sikkim Recruitment 2021 for various posts | Apply for NIT Sikkim Non-Teaching Positions

NIT Sikkim Recruitment 2021 for various posts | Apply for NIT Sikkim Non-Teaching Positions | NIT Sikkim Advertisement: Ref. No.: NITS/Rect/NT/2021/01 NIT Sikkim invites applications from intending and eligible candidates for the recruitment Registrar, Assistant Registrar, Scientific Officer /Technical Officer, Executive Engineer, Technical Assistant, Superintendent, Technician, Junior Assistant and Office Attendant / Lab Attendant. The…

CAG Recruitment 2021 for 199 vacancies – Apply for Auditor, Clerk and other posts

CAG Recruitment 2021 for 199 vacancies – Apply for Auditor, Clerk and other posts | All India Jobs Indian Audit and Accounts Department (IA&AD) invites applications from Indian Nationals for filling up the Group ‘C’ Posts of Auditor / Accountant / Clerk / DEO-Grade-A against Sports Quota through Open Advertisement for the year 2021. Recruitment…

RIMS Imphal Recruitment 2021: Apply for RIMS Oxygen Plant Operator and ECG Technician posts

RIMS Imphal Recruitment 2021: RIMS Oxygen Plant Operator and ECG Technician vacancies Regional Institute of Medical Sciences (RIMS) Imphal, an autonomous Institute under Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Government of India, invites applications for a walk-in-interview for engagement of the posts of Oxygen Plant Operator and ECG Technician. The interview will be held on…