NHM Manipur Recruitment 2021 — 58 posts of Nurse, Pharmacist, Supervisor, Assistant, Consultant, MO & other posts

NHM Manipur Recruitment 2021 — 58 posts of Nurse, Pharmacist, Supervisor, Assistant, Consultant, MO & other posts

NHM Manipur Recruitment 2021 -- 58 posts of Nurse, Pharmacists, Supervisors, MO, Consultant, Assistant & other postsState Health Society, NHM, Manipur invites applications in prescribed format for walk-in-interview for the engagement of candidates on contract basis for a period upto 28th Feb, 2022 which may be extended upon their performance. The total no of vacant posts is 58.

Interested candidates having the requisite qualification and experience may submit their application in the prescribed format enclosing their bio data along with 2 (two) recent passport size photographs.

The details of the posts are mentioned below:

1. Name of the post: Program Consultant (H & WC)

No of post: 1

Educational qualification: MBA/ MSW/ MA Sociology and 3 years experience in Health Sector

Remuneration: Rs. 13700 + PHB

2. Name of the post: IT Consultant (H & WC)

No of post: 1

Educational qualification: BE / MSC IT with 3 years experience

Remuneration: Rs. 13700 + PHB

3. Name of the post: M & E Officer (NVHCP)

No of post: 1

Educational qualification: MSW / MA Sociology/ Master in Public Health/ MBA (RM) from a recognized University

Remuneration: Rs. 13700 + PHB

4. Name of the post: Program Assistant (NVHCP)

No of post: 1

Educational qualification: MBA / MSW/ MA Sociology and 3 years experience in Health Sector

Remuneration: Rs. 13500 + PHB

5. Name of the post: Technical Officer – State Lab (NVHCP)

No of post: 2

Educational qualification: MSc Medical Microbiology with 1 year experience in clinical laboratory service

Remuneration: Rs. 13700 + PHB

6. Name of the post: Office Assistant (NVHCP)

No of post: 2

Educational qualification: Graduate with 2 years DCA

Remuneration: Rs. 7100 + PHB

7. Name of the post: Legal Officer

No of post: 1

Educational qualification: LLB / LLM with 5 years experience

Remuneration: Rs. 13700 + PHB

8. Name of the post: OBGY

No of post: 4

Educational qualification: MD (Obst. & Gynae)

Remuneration: Rs. 22,200 + PHB

9. Name of the post: Pediatrician

No of post: 4

Educational qualification:

Remuneration: Rs. 22,200 + PHB

10. Name of the post: Anesthetists

No of post: 3

Educational qualification: MD (Anesthesiology)

Remuneration: Rs. 22,200 + PHB

11. Name of the post: Microbiologists (IDSP)

No of post: 2

Educational qualification: MD Microbiology/ Master in Microbiology

Remuneration: Rs. 13, 700+ PHB

12. Name of the post: Medical Officers (MTC, NVHCP)

No of post: 1

Educational qualification: Passed MBBS with permanent registration with 5 years experience in clinical care preferably related to infectious disease.

Remuneration: Rs. 14700 + PHB

13. Name of the post: Clinical Psychologists (NMHP)

No of post:3

Educational qualification: Master in Clinic (preferably M Phil in Clinical Psychology) or MA Psychology or Applied Psychology

Remuneration: Rs. 13500 + PHB

14. Name of the post: Psychiatric Social Worker (NMHP)

No of post:3

Educational qualification: Master in Social Work (preferably with specialization in Psychology) or M. Phil in Psychiatric Social work

Remuneration: Rs. 13700 + PHB

15. Name of the post: Psychiatric Nurse (NMHP)

No of post:3

Educational qualification: GNM / BSc preferably MSc/ Diploma in Psychiatric Nursing

Remuneration: RS. 8000 + PHB

16. Name of the post: Malaria Technical Supervisors

No of post: 23

Educational qualification: Graduate in Biology Stream

Remuneration: Rs. 8000 + PHB

17. Name of the post: Pharmacist (MTC, NVHCP)

No of post:1

Educational qualification: B. Pham / D. Pharm

Remuneration: Rs. 8000 + PHB

18. Name of the post: Dental Hygienist

No of post:1

Educational qualification: Class 12 (Science) + 2 yr diploma course in Dental Hygienist from any recognized University

Remuneration: Rs. 7100 + PHB

19. Name of the post: Dental Assistant

No of post:1

Educational qualification: Class 10 and 3 yrs experience from any recognized hospital

Remuneration: Rs. 7100 + PHB

Age Limit: 38 years / below [Upper age limit is relaxable for Govt. Servants as per rule. 5 years relaxation for SC/ ST candidates and 3 years for OBC candidates and upto 65 years for posts under Sl. No. 8 to 10].

Mode of Selection: Walk -in- Interview at NHM, Medical Directorate, Lamphelpat

Rate of Application form:
(a) Rs. 500 for General,
(b) Rs. 300 for OBC,
(c) Rs. 200 for ST & SC
(d) Rs. 100 for PWD

How to apply: Interested candidates having the requisite qualification and experience may submit their application in the prescribed format enclosing their bio data along with 2 (two) recent passport size photographs. Application forms will be available at the NHM, Medical Directorate, Lamphelpat.

The details of the interview / voce and issue of admit card will be notified later and may also be available the official website www.nrhmmanipur.org

Important Dates:
1) Availability of Application form: From 18-01-2021 to 30-01-2021
2) Submission of application form: From 27-01-2021 to 05-02-2021

Eligible and interested candidates are suggested to read the details from links below:

Notification: Click here

Website: www.nrhmmanipur.orgĀ 

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NHM Manipur Recruitment 2021 ā€” 58 posts of Nurse, Pharmacist, Supervisor, Assistant, Consultant, MO & other posts Read…

Posted by Manipur Government Jobs onĀ Saturday, 16 January 2021

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