Knowledge and Curriculum | BEd Free Study Material | Download BEd Book

Knowledge and Curriculum | BEd Free Study Material | Free BEd Book | Download BEd Free Study Material


UNIT-I: Knowledge Education Curriculum And Perspectives:

♦ Foundations of Education
♦ Genesis of knowledge
♦ Types of Knowledge: Personal Knowledge, Procedural Knowledge, Propositional Knowledge
♦ Structure and Forms of Knowledge: Ways to Acquiring Knowledge, Meaning of Information
♦ Modes of Education: Formal Education, Non – Formal Education – Open University, Open and Distance Learning, Distance Education, Informal Education
♦ Teaching in Multicultural Setting
♦ Curriculum: Meaning of Curriculum, Nature of Curriculum, Scope of Curriculum, Curriculum and Syllabus, Curriculum Development, Need and Importance of Curriculum
♦ Foundation of Curriculum: Philosophical Foundation of Curriculum, Psychological Foundation of Curriculum, Sociological Foundation of Curriculum

UNIT- II: Curriculum And Development: 

♦ Curriculum Development: Concept of Curriculum Development
♦ Basic Principles of Curriculum: Need and Importance of Curriculum Development
♦ Types of Curriculum: Subject-Centered Curriculum, Learner-Centered Curriculum, Problem-Centered Curriculum, Core Curriculum, Hidden / Latent Curriculum, Null Curriculum, Curriculum Organization
♦ Theory of Curriculum
♦ Curriculum Framework: Common Elements of Curriculum Framework,  Principles of the Curriculum Framework
♦ Different Stages of Specific Curriculum: Primary Stage, Secondary Stage, Higher Secondary Level
♦ Central and State Board of Secondary Education Syllabus
♦ Role of Textbooks in Curriculum
♦ Curriculum Reforms in India

UNIT – III: Principles Of Curriculum Construction: 

♦ Principles of Curriculum Construction
♦ History of Curriculum Reconstruction
♦ Secondary Education Commission
♦ Kothari Education Commission
♦ National Education Policy
♦ National Knowledge Commission
♦ Curricular Issues: Issues related to Language, Issues related to Science, Issues related to Humanities

UNIT- IV: Curriculum Change Planning And Transaction:

 ♦ Changing Paradigm in Education
♦ Curriculum Change
♦ Need for Curriculum Change
♦ Curriculum Planning
♦ Agencies of Curriculum Change
♦ Concept of Curriculum Transaction
♦ Role of Media in Curriculum Development and Implementation
♦ National Curriculum Framework Guidelines for Curriculum Transaction

UNIT V: Curriculum Approach Methods And Models: 

♦ Curriculum Approach
♦ Maxims of Teaching
♦ Curriculum Transaction and Modes
♦ Role of Technology: Challenges in Education, Fore steps in Technology/Media Integration, NCERT Proposal for Action
♦ Curriculum Approaches and Media: Categories of Media, Impact of Media on Curriculum
♦ Models of Teaching: Inquiry Training Model, Concept Attainment Model, Advance Organizer Model

UNIT- VI: Curriculum Development Agencies And Implementation:

♦ Agencies of Education
♦ National Policy on Education
♦ University Grants Commission
♦ National Council of Teacher Education
♦ National Council of Educational Research and Training
♦ State Council of Educational Research and Training
♦ Tools of Curriculum Implementation
♦ Curriculum Implementation
♦ Role of UNESCO in Curriculum Implementation

UNIT – VII: Curriculum Evaluation:

♦ Curriculum Evaluation: Objectives Curriculum Evaluation, Purposes of Evaluation, Perspectives on Curriculum Evaluation
♦ Criteria for Curriculum Evaluations
♦ Curriculum Evaluation Plan
♦ Models of Curriculum Evaluation: Tyler’s Evaluation Model, Rober E. Stake’s model, Hilda Taba’s Model, Mukhopadhaya’s Model, Sara’s Model
♦ Outcomes of Curriculum Evaluation
♦ Curricular Issues and Concerns
♦ Responses to Issues

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