CSIR-NAL recruitment 2020 of Scientists and Senior Scientists
CSIR-NAL recruitment 2020of Scientists and Senior ScientistsĀ (Advt. No. 6/2020)
CSIR-National Aerospace Laboratories (CSIR-NAL), Bengaluru, is a premier Research Laboratory under Council of Scientific & Industrial Research (CSIR), an Autonomous Body in the Ministry of Science & Technology under the Government of India. In addition to many Research, Development and Technology Programmes in Aerospace, NAL is actively involved in supporting the National Aerospace Programmes of ADA, DRDO, ISRO, HAL and IAF etc.CSIR-NAL is also exploiting several aerospace technologies into spin-off industrial applications.It has excellent facilities in all the aerospace disciplines.
CSIR-National Aerospace Laboratories (CSIR-NAL), Bengaluru, invites online applications for Scientists and Senior Scientists positions in various disciplines in the area of Design, Development, Testing & Evaluation of various Systems / Sub-systems and Project Management. The details of the recruitment is given below:
I) Name of the post: Scientist
No of post: 3
Salary: Level 11 in the Pay Matrix of 7th CPC, Rs. 1,03,000/-(approximately)
Minimum Qualification: Qualification: ME/M.Tech OR Ph.D
Age: 32 years
II) Name of the post: Senior Scientist
No of post: 10
Salary: Level 12 in the Pay Matrix of 7th CPC, Rs. 1,19,000/- (approximately)
Minimum Qualification: ME/M.Tech OR Ph.D
Age: 37 years
Application Fee: A Non-refundable application fee of Rs.100/- (Rupees One Hundred only) is payable separately
for each post (candidates belonging to SC/ST/PWD, Women and regular employees of CSIR are exempted from payment of application fee) in the form of Online payment.
How to apply: The Print out copy of Online Application Registration Form duly signed together with recent passport size photograph, Application Fee, copies of Matriculation/SSLC/Degree/Post Graduate Degree/Ph.D /Provisional Degree certificates (s) and Marks Cards for all Semesters/ years and other testimonials in support of Date of Birth,
Qualifications, Experience etc. should be sent in a sealed cover superscribing —
āApplication for the post of Scientist/ Senior Scientist, Post Code No.______ , Advt. No.__________ā ON OR BEFORE 6th JULY 2020 addressed to:
The Controller of Administration
CSIR-National Aerospace Laboratories,
Post Bag No. 1779, HAL Airport Road, Kodihalli,
Bengaluru ā 560 017 (Karnataka).
Important date: Closing Date for Online submission of Applications — 6th July 2020
Interested and eligible candidates are suggested to read the following links for details:
Notification: Click hereĀ
Apply online: Click hereĀ
Website: https://www.nal.res.in