Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy of Jobshints.Com explains our policy with regard to the collection, use, disclosure and transfer of your information by Jobshints.Com, which operates on the website

This Privacy Policy is applicable to persons who views, browses or uses the services of the website.

This policy may change as our website updates, improves and expands its services over time, so please check it periodically. By using the website, you consent to our collection, storage and use of the personal information you provide to us.

Jobshints.Com portal only provides information related to government jobs, admission, results and education. Visitor is not required to register / signup / login on the website and visiting the website is absolutely free.

Job Hints ( is committed to respecting the privacy of our users. We strive to provide a safe, secure user experience. This Privacy Statement sets forth the online data collection and usage policies and practices that apply to the and does not apply to information we collect in any other fashion.

Your data will be stored and processed in whole or in part in the United States. The information we gather on the Jobshints.Com will not be shared with any Third Party, without explicit written consent by you.

The contains links to other Web sites over which we have no control. We are not responsible for the privacy policies or practices of other Web sites to which you choose to link from our Sites. We encourage you to review the privacy policies of those other Web sites so you can understand how they collect, use and share your information.

Collection and Use of Information:

In some areas of Jobshints.Com, we request or may request that you provide personal information, including your name, e-mail address, telephone number, contact information and any other information from which your identity is discernible. In other areas, we collect or may collect demographic information that is not unique to you such as your ZIP code, age, preferences, gender, interests and favorites. Sometimes we collect or may collect a combination of the two types of information.

We also gather or may gather general information about your use of such as what areas you visit and what services you access. Moreover, there is basic information about your computer hardware and software that is or may be collected by us. This information can include without limitation: your IP address, browser type, domain names, access times and referring Web site addresses, but is not linked to your personal information.

We may sometimes afford you the opportunity to provide descriptive, cultural, behavioral, preferential and/or life style information about yourself, but it is solely up to you whether you furnish such information. If you do provide such information, you are thereby consenting to the use of that information in accordance with the policies and practices described in this Privacy Statement. For example, such information may be used for the purpose of determining your potential interest in receiving e-mail or other communications about particular products or services.

Our Use of Your Information:

We use the information we gather on, whether personal, demographic, collective or technical, for the purpose of operating and improving the Jobshints.Com, fostering a positive user experience, and delivering the products and services that we offer.

If you have provided consent for us to do so, we may also use the information we gather to inform you of other products or services available from us or our affiliated companies or to contact you about your opinion of current products and services or potential new products and services that may be offered.

We may use your contact information in order to send you e-mail or other communications regarding updates at the Jobshints.Com, and if you have requested, information on new opportunities and additional job postings which may be of interest to you. The nature and frequency of these messages will vary depending upon the information we have about you.

In addition, at the time of registration, you have the option to elect to receive additional communications, information and promotions, including without limitation, free informational newsletters from us relating to topics that may be of special interest to you.

We have areas on the where you can submit feedback. Any feedback you submit in these areas becomes our property, and we can use such feedback (such as success stories) for marketing purposes or to contact you for further information.

Choices Regarding the Disclosure of Personal Information to Others:

We do not disclose your personal information to third parties, or your combined personal and demographic information or information about your use of or First jobshints (such as the areas you visit or the services you access), except as set forth below.

We disclose information to companies and individuals we employ to perform functions on our behalf. Examples include hosting our Web servers, analyzing data, providing marketing assistance, processing credit card payments, and providing customer service. These companies and individuals will have access to your personal information as necessary to perform their functions, but they may not share that information with any other third party.

We disclose information if legally required to do so, if requested to do so by a governmental entity or if we believe in good faith that such action is necessary to: (a) conform to legal requirements or comply with legal process; (b) protect our rights or property; (c) prevent a crime or protect national security; or (d) protect the personal safety of users or the public.

Other Uses of Information:

We also share aggregated anonymous information about visitors to Kumari Job or First jobshints (for example, the number of visitors) with its clients, partners and other third parties so that they can understand the kinds of visitors to the Jobshints.Com and how those visitors use the

If you apply for a position via a contact listed on the, you may be asked to provide information on your gender, race or other protected status where permitted by applicable law. Some employers are required by law to gather this information from job applicants for reporting and record-keeping requirements. You should understand that if provided, this information will be used by employers only in accordance with applicable law and will not be used in making any negative employment decisions. All information provided will be kept separate from your expression of interest in any job opportunity. Providing this information is strictly voluntary and you will not be subject to any adverse action or treatment if you choose not to provide this information.

Use of Cookies:

A cookie is a string of information that a website stores on a visitor’s computer, and that the visitor’s browser provides to the website each time the visitor returns. Jobshints.Com uses cookies to help our website identify and track visitors, their usage of Jobshints.Com and their website access preferences. Visitors who do not wish to have cookies placed on their computers should set their browsers to refuse cookies before using Jobshints website.

We use “cookies” to help personalize and maximize your online experience and time online. A cookie is a text file that is placed on your hard drive by a Web page server. Cookies are not used to run programs or deliver viruses to your computer. Cookies are uniquely assigned to your computer, and can only be read by a Web server in the domain that issued the cookie to you.

One of the primary purposes of cookies is to provide a convenience feature to save you time. The purpose of a cookie is to tell the Web server that you have returned to a specific page. For example, if you register, a cookie helps us to recall your specific information (such as user name, password and preferences). Because of our use of cookies, we can deliver faster and more accurate results and a more personalized site experience. When you return to, the information you previously provided can be retrieved, so you can easily use the features that you customized. We also use cookies to track click streams and for load balancing.

You may have the ability to accept or decline cookies. Most Web browsers automatically accept cookies, but you can usually modify your browser setting to decline all cookies if you prefer. Alternatively, you may be able to modify your browser setting to notify you each time a cookie is tendered and permit you to accept or decline cookies on an individual basis. If you choose to decline cookies, however, that may hinder performance and negatively impact your experience on

Link to Third Parties / Third Party URL

Jobshints.Com may contain links that redirect you to other websites. These third party websites are not covered by this Privacy Policy. You agree that once you leave our servers, any Third Party Websites you visit or interact with are at your own risk. Jobshints.Com will not be held liable for any default, loss of work or any risk that may result in your personal sensitive information being exposed.

Google Double Click DART Cookie:

Google is one of a third-party vendor on our site. It also uses cookies, known as DART cookies, to serve ads to our site visitors based upon their visit to and other sites on the internet. However, visitors may choose to decline the use of DART cookies by visiting the Google ad and content network Privacy Policy at the following URL –

Children’s Information:

Another part of our priority is adding protection for children while using the internet. We encourage parents and guardians to observe, participate in, and/or monitor and guide their online activity.

Jobshints.Com does not knowingly collect any Personal Identifiable Information from children under the age of 13. If you think that your child provided this kind of information on our website, we strongly encourage you to contact us immediately and we will do our best efforts to promptly remove such information from our records.

Online Privacy Policy:

Our Privacy Policy applies only to our online activities and is valid for visitors to our website with regards to the information that they shared and/or collect in Jobshints.Com. This policy is not applicable to any information collected offline or via channels other than this website.

We reserve the right to change the terms of this policy or the Terms of Use (at any time). Any changes made by Jobshints.Com will be effective immediately upon notice, which we may provide by posting the new policy on the Sites. Your use of the Sites or Services following such notice will constitute acceptance of such changes. We may also make reasonable efforts to notify you electronically. In any case, you are advised to review this policy from time to time on our site Jobshints.Com to ensure that you are aware of the latest updates.

By using our website, you hereby consent to our Privacy Policy and agree to its terms.

Access to and Modification of Your Information:

You may review, correct, update or change your account information at at any time.

To change your profile, simply log into your account. Once logged in, you’ll arrive at the Account Management page. On the right hand side of the screen, you’ll see an Setting box. Click on the link that Change Account Status, and you can make any changes you like. Be sure to click Save Changes before you exit.

To change your billing account information (Employers), simply log into your account and choose a link under Manage Your Account.

If you opted to receive newsletters, commercial e-mails or other communications from, but subsequently change your mind, you may opt-out by editing your Account Profile as described above. If you previously opted not to receive such communications, you may later opt-in by editing your Account Profile as well.

Security of the Personal Information:

We have implemented commercially reasonable technical and organizational measures designed to secure your personal information from accidental loss and from unauthorized access, use, alteration or disclosure. However, we cannot guarantee that unauthorized third parties will never be able to defeat those measures or use your personal information for improper purposes.

Changes to Privacy Statement

If we decide to materially change our Privacy Statement for the, we will post those changes through a prominent notice on the web site so that you will always know what information we gather, how we might use that information, and to whom we will disclose it.

If at any time, you have questions or concerns about this Privacy Statement or believe that we have not adhered to this Privacy Statement, please feel free to contact us. We will use commercially reasonable efforts to promptly answer your question or resolve your problem.


If any website wants to link to our articles or quote on it, it needs to follow some guidelines.

Use only summary (generally 3 to 4 sentences) from our article and give a link to our article for readers to read full story. You must credit with anchor text/hyperlink pointing to our domain name or article.

Never publish full article from our site without our permission.

If you have any questions about this privacy policy or our sites in general, please contact us.