Kendriya Vidyalaya Langjing Recruitment 2021 for PGT | TGT | PRT Teachers, Coach, Nurse and other posts | Apply Now
Kendriya Vidyalaya Langjing Recruitment 2021 for PGT | TGT | PRT Teachers, Coach, Nurse and other posts | Apply Now
Kendriya Vidyalaya No. 2 Langjing, Imphal invites application from intending and eligible candidates for a walk-in interview for the engagement of Part Time Contractual Teachers for the session 2021-22.
The walk-in-interview will be conducted tentatively between 8 and 13 March 2021. Results of the interview will be declared on the day of interview after 6:00 pm. The last date for online registration is 04 / March / 2021 upto 12:00 hrs.
The details of the posts are mentioned below:
1. Name of the post: Post Graduate Teachers (PGT)
Subjects: English, Hindi, Maths, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Computer Science, History, Geography, Political Science, Economics, Commerce.
Qualification: Masterâs Degree or equivalent in the concerned Subject with at least 50% marks and B.Ed.
Remuneration: Rs.32500/- per month on pro-rata basis.
2. Name of the post: Trained Graduate Teachers (TGT)
Subjects: Sanskrit, English, Hindi,Social Science, Maths, Biology:
Qualification: a) Bachelorâs Degree with at least 50% marks in the concerned subjects/ combination of subjects
and in aggregate. Subject-wise details are given as under:
(i) TGT (Sanskrit, English, Hindi): Having respective subjects in all the three years of Degree Course.
(ii) TGT (Social Science): Having any two of the following: History, Geography, Economics and Pol. Science of which one must be either History or Geography.
(iii)TGT (Maths) – Degree in Maths with any two of the following subjects: Physics, Chemistry, Electronics, Computer Science and Statistics.
(iv) TGT (Biology) – Bachelorâs Degree in Botany, Zoology and Chemistry.
b) Pass in the CTET-II conducted by CBSE in accordance with the Guidelines framed by the NCTE for the purpose.
Remuneration: Rs.31250/- per month on pro-rata basis
3. Name of the Post: Primary Teachers (PRT)
Qualification: Senior Secondary School Certificate or Intermediate with 50% marks or its equivalent & Pass in the Central Teacher Eligibility Test (CTET-I conducted by the CBSE in accordance with the Guidelines framed by the NCTE for the purpose or JBT / B.El.Ed / D.El.Ed. Competence to teach through Hindi & English media.
Remuneration: Rs.26250/- per month on pro-rata basis
4. Name of the Post: PRT (Music)
Qualification: Senior Secondary School Certificate or Intermediate with 50% marks or its equivalent and Bachelorâs Degree in Music or equivalent from a recognized University.
Remuneration: Rs.26250/- per month on pro-rata basis.
5. Name of the Post: Computer Instructor (To teach class III to X)
Qualification: B.E / B.Tech (computer science) or Post Graduate Degree in any subject with Post Graduate diploma in computer application from Govt. recognized institution or equivalent qualification. Preference will be given to those who have training & experience in hardware.
Remuneration: Rs. 31250/- per month.
6. Name of the Post: Taekwondo Instructor / Coach
Qualification: B.P. Ed./Senior National Certificate holder / Coaching diploma or Equivalent and experience in the respective field.
Remuneration: Rs. 26250/- per month on pro-rata basis
7. Name of the Post: Counselor
Qualification: BA/B.Sc in Psychology and one year Diploma in Counselling. Desirable â Minimum one year experience in providing career/educational counseling to students at schools or experience/ knowledge of working in placement bureaus or registration with rehabilitation council of India as vocational counselor.
Remuneration: Rs. 31250/- per month
8. Name of the Post: Yoga Teacher
Qualification: Bachelorâs Degree with one year training in Yoga from recognized university.
Remuneration: Rs. 26250/-
9. Name of the Post: Nurse
Qualification: ANM / GNM / Diploma / Degree in Nursing
Remuneration: Rs. 750/- per working day.
Desirable for All Posts: Knowledge of Computer Applications and proficiency to teach in English and Hindi.
Mode of Selection: Interview.
Mode of Interview: It will be Personal Interview but written test may also be conducted if the number of eligible candidates for a particular post is very large in which case only those selected on the basis of written test will be called for interview.
How to Apply: Online Registration
Important Dates:
— Last Date for Online Registration is 04 March 2021 upto 12:00 hrs
— List of Shortlisted Candidates will be notified on 06 March 2021 after 5:00 pm
— Date of Interview will be between 8 to 13 March 2021
— Selected candidates will be required to join duty by 01 April 2021
— Post-wise dates of interview will be notified on 06 March 2021
Notification: Click here
Vacancy Position / No of Vacant Posts: Click here
Online Registration: Click here
Website: OR
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