NYKS recruitment 2019 of 337 posts — MTS, Clerks, Computer Operator, Stenographer and other posts

Nehru Yuva Kendra Sangathan (NYKS) is an autonomous body of the Ministry of Youth Affairs & Sports, Government of India. It mobilizes youth through Youth Clubs and involves them in nation building activities and inculcate in them such values and skills that they become productive and responsible citizens of a modern, secular, democratic & technological…

Manipur University recruitment 2019 for various Group A posts — 20 posts

The Manipur University invites applications on prescribed form from Indian nationals for filling up the Group-A posts in the University. The details of the posts are stated below: Name of the posts: Registrar , Controller of Examinations, Librarian, Finance Officer, Director UGC HRDC, Principal Manipur Institute of Technology, Deputy Librarian , Deputy Finance Officer, University…

Manipur University recruitment 2019 for faculty posts — 115 posts

The Manipur University invites applications on prescribed form from Indian nationals for filling up various posts of faculties in different departments with the University Grants Commissionā€™s pay scale. The details of the posts are stated below: Name of the posts: Professor, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor No of vacancies: 115 Qualifications: Ph.D. degree in the concerned /…

High Court Manipur recruitment 2019 for LLB Judicial Service Grade – lll

The High Court of Manipur invitesĀ  applications online for filling up the postĀ  by direct recruitment. Recruitment and conditions of service shall be governed by the Manipur Judicial Service Rules, 2005 as amended from time to time. 1. Name of the post: Manipur Judicial Service Grade – lll (Regular Vacancy) No of post: 4 Eligibility:…

State Bank of India Junior Associates recruitment 2019 — 9086 vacancies

State Bank of India invites applications from eligible Indian Citizens for appointment as Junior Associate (Customer Support & Sales) in clerical cadre in the bank. Advertisement No: CRPD/CR/2019-20/03 Name of the post: Junior Associate (Customer Support & Sales) No. of vacancies: 9086 Places of posting: Gujarat, Dadra & Nagar Haveli, Daman & Diu, Andhra Pradesh,…