Atma Nirbhar Bagwani Yojana Scheme | Arunachal Pradesh Govt Scheme
Atma Nirbhar Bagwani Yojana Scheme | Arunachal Pradesh Govt Scheme

Atma Nirbhar Bagwani Yojana is an umbrella scheme wherein all the schemes are subsumed under a bank linked credit subsidy scheme which will have a time bound implementation and participation from various stakeholders – Government, Bank, Project Consultants and Progressive Farmers. The beneficiaries under the scheme will be eligible for 45% subsidy from Government of Arunachal Pradesh, 45% bank finance and 10% beneficiaries contribution. The beneficiary will have to provide a collateral security in the shape of land/property or acceptable guarantee for loan amount exceeding 1.6 Lakhs in case of individual and 10 lakhs for SHGs/FPOs.
Hence candidates are suggested to be aware of the important date, mode of application and other related information for the posts.
Details for Atma Nirbhar Bagwani Yojana Scheme | Arunachal Pradesh Govt Scheme
Name of Scheme: Atma Nirbhar Bagwani Yojana
Components for availing of bank loan:
♦ Arecanut
♦ Pineapple
♦ Avocado
♦ Dragon Fruit
♦ Orange
♦ Banana
♦ Guava
♦ Tractor
♦ Power Tiller
♦ Brush Cutter
♦ Atmanirbhar Bagwani Yojna is basically meant for the cultivation of fruits like apples, walnut, orange, kiwi, and persimmon.
♦ The line of credit will be provided by the State Bank Of India, Arunachal Pradesh Rural Bank, and Arunachal Pradesh Cooperative Apex Bank.
♦ 45 percent will be given by the government subsidy, 45 percent as bank loan and 10 percent will be contributed by the farmer.
♦ There is no collateral for loans up to Rs 1.60 lakh.
♦ For SHGs, no collateral is needed up to Rs 10 lakhs.
Eligibility: The scheme is focused on the residents and farmers of Arunachal Pradesh.
Documents required:
The people under Atma nirbhar Bagwani Yojana will be able to take the benefit of the loan that is collateral-free. The Chief Minister said that no land document such as Land Possession Certificate will be taken to provide the loan. The required documents are:
♦ Aadhaar Card.
♦ Voter Card.
♦ Residential Certificate.
♦ A valid Bank Account
How to apply for Atma Nirbhar Bagwani Yojana Scheme:
The mode of application is offline.
The Chief Minister revealed that he has offered to host the proposed regional level oil palm business summit at Namsai anytime soon. Besides attracting investors, he said the summit will also educate farmers of the state. MoUs were signed between the state government and the banks viz., State Bank of India, State Cooperative Apex Bank and State Rural Bank to mark the occasion.
Job seekers can find the exact job by typing and prefixing Jobshints in front of the job title — Jobshints Atma Nirbhar Bagwani Yojana Scheme OR simply type and search Jobshints Arunachal Pradesh Govt Scheme on Google.
Job seekers also suggested to visit the website — or type and search Jobshints Arunachal Scheme on Google for regular updates of various jobs.
Candidates are suggested to read the official advertisement from the link(s) given below:
♦ Advertisement of Atma Nirbhar Bagwani Yojana Scheme: Click here
♦ Guideline for Atma Nirbhar Bagwani Yojana Scheme: Apply here
♦ Application form for Atma Nirbhar Bagwani Yojana Scheme: Click here
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