228 posts recruitment in Staff Selection Commission – Himachal Pradesh

The Staff Selection Commision, Himachal Pradesh invites online application for various 228 vacant posts in different departments. The details of the posts and requirements are mentioned below:

1. Name of the post: Language teacher
Department: Elementary Education
Post Code:Ā  730
Vacancies: 155
Qualifications : i) B.A. with Hindi as an elective Subject and 2-year Diploma in Elementary Education (by whatever name known)
BA with atleast 50% marks with Hindi as an elective subject and 1-year Bachelor in Education (B.Ed.)
BA with at least 45 % marks with Hindi as an elective subject and 1-year Bachelor in Education (B.Ed.) in accordance with the NCTE (Recognition Norms & Procedure) Regulations issued from time to time in this regard.
B.A. with at least 50 % marks with Hindi as an elective subject and 1-year Bachelor in Education (B.Ed.) Special Education.
Prabhakar (Honours in Hindi) with 50% marks followed by B.A. Examination (English and one additional subject) with 50 % marks from a recognized University and 1-year Bachelor in Education (B.Ed.)
M.A.(Hindi) with at least 50 % marks from a recognized university and 1-year Bachelor in Education (B.Ed.)
ii) Pass in Teacher Eligibility Test (TET Language Teacher) duly conducted by HP Board of School Education Dharamshala. Provided that the incumbents who have already qualified the Teacher Eligibility Test (TET) conducted by the HP Subordinate Services Selection Board Hamirpur shall also be eligible subject to the condition as laid down in Para-11 of the guidelines issued by the National Council for Teacher Education vide No. 76-4/2010/NCTE/Acad, dated 11.2.2011.

Note: Relaxation up to 5% will be allowed in minimum education qualifications and also in minimum qualifying marks for TET to the candidates belonging to SC/ST/OBC/PH categories of HP.

Age: 18 ā€“ 45 / 50 years

Pay:Ā  Rs. 10300-34800+3200GP

Ā 2.Ā Name of the post: Mechanic (Electrical)
Post Code:Ā  731
Department :Ā  Printing & Stationery
Vacancies: 1
Qualifications : i) 10+2 or its equivalent from a recognized Board of School Education/University.
ii) Two years National Trade Certificate Course in the trade of Electrician or its equivalent from an I.T.I. or an Institution duly recognized by the Central/State Government and
iii) Three years practical experience in repair, maintenance and upkeep of Electrical Equipments, Motors and Wiring in Government Printing Press or an ISO certified Private Printing Press.
Age: 18 ā€“ 45 years
Pay :Ā  Rs.5910-20200+1900GP

3. Name of the post: Mechanic (Printing)
Post Code :Ā  732
Department :Ā  Printing & Stationery
Vacancies: 1
Qualifications : i) 10+2 or its equivalent from a recognized Board of School Education/University.
ii) Two years Certificate Course in the trade of Mechanic (Printing) or its equivalent from an I.T.I. or an Institution duly recognized by the Central/State Government.
iii) Three years practical experience in repair, maintenance work of Printing, binding and Mechanical workshopā€™s machinery equipments in a Government Printing Press or an ISO certified Private Printing Press.
Age: 18 ā€“ 45 years
Pay :Ā  Rs.5910-20200+1900GP

4. Name of the post: Copy Holder
Post Code : 733
Department :Ā  Printing & Stationery
Vacancies: 1
Qualifications : i) Should have passed 10+2 Examination or its equivalent from a recognized Board/University.
ii) Two years practical experience in proof Reading from a Government / Semi Govt./ Private Press having ISO certification
Age: 18 ā€“ 50 years
Pay :Ā  Rs.5910-20200+1900GP

5.Name of the post: Dispenser
Post Code : 734
Department :Ā  Technical Education Vocational & Industrial Training
Vacancies: 2
Qualifications : i) Matriculate with Science from a recognized University/Board or its equivalent.
ii) Diploma in Pharmacy from a recognized State Board of Technical Education or equivalent.
iii) Should be registered Pharmacist under the Pharmacy Act.
Age: 18 ā€“ 45 years
Pay :Ā  Rs. 5910-20200+3000GP

6. Name of the post: Laboratory Assistant
Post Code : 735
Department :Ā  Technical Education Vocational & Industrial Training
Vacancies: 6
Qualifications : i) 10+2 in Science stream or its equivalent from a recognized University/Board of School Education.
ii) Atleast two years diploma course in Pharmacy from a recognized University or an Institute duly recognized by the Himachal Pradesh Govt. / Central Govt.
Age: 18 ā€“ 45 years
Pay :Ā  Rs. 5910-20200+1900GP

7. Name of the post: Laboratory Technician (Pharmacy College)
Post Code : 736
Department :Ā  Technical Education Vocational & Industrial Training
Vacancies: 6
Qualifications :Ā  Two years diploma in Pharmacy (D.Pharmacy) recognized by the State Govt. of HP or Central Govt
Age: 18 ā€“ 45 years
Pay:Ā  Rs. 5910-20200+2400GP

8. Name of the post: Sr. Scientist (Drugs)
Post Code : 737
Department :Ā  Health Safety & Regulation
Vacancies: 2
Qualifications:Ā  Should be graduate in Medicine or Science (B.Sc. Medical/Non-Medical) or Pharmacy or Pharmaceutical Chemistry or Bio Chemistry or Medical Laboratory Technology or Microbiology or Food and Drugs of a University established in India by the Law or has an equivalent qualification from a University recognized and notified by the Central Government for such purpose with eight years experience in testing of drugs from an Institution/Organisation approved by the Central/State Government from time to time. OR Should be post Graduate in Medicine or Science or Pharmacy or Pharmaceutical Chemistry or Bio Chemistry or Medical Laboratory Technology or Microbiology or Food and Drugs of a University established in India by the Law or an Associate of Institution of Chemists(India) by examination with analysis of Drugs and Pharmaceuticals as one of the subject or has an equivalent qualification from a university recognized and notified by the Central Government for such purposes with five years experience in analysis of drugs from an Institution / Organization approved by the Central/State Government from time to time.
Age: 18 ā€“ 45 years
Pay :Ā  Rs.10300-34800+3800GP

9. Name of the post: Fitter
Post Code : 738
Department :Ā  HP Power Transmission Corporation Ltd.
Vacancies: 28
Qualifications :Ā  Matric from a recognized Board by the Govt. of HP with Technical qualification of ITI in Fitter Trade done through a regular course from the Institution recognized by the H.P. Government.
Age: 18 ā€“ 35 years
Pay :Ā  Rs.6400-20200+3050 GP

9. Name of the post: Hostel Warden
Post Code :Ā  739
Department :Ā  Panchayti Raj
Vacancies: 3
Qualifications :Ā  Should possess a Bachelor Degree from a recognized University.
Age: 18 ā€“ 45 years
Pay :Ā  Rs. 5910-20200+2800GP

11. Name of the post: Assistant Video Cameraman
Post Code :Ā  740
Department :Ā  Information & Public Relations
Vacancies: 1
Qualifications :Ā  i) Should have passed Matriculation Examination from a University/Board recognized by the Government.
ii) Must possess atleast 2 years diploma in Cinematography from an institution recognized by the HP Govt. / Central Govt.
Age: 18 ā€“ 45 years
Pay :Ā  Rs.10300-34800+3800GP

12. Name of the post: Laboratory Assistant(Biology & Serology)
Post Code :Ā  741
Department :Ā  Forensics Services
Vacancies: 1
Qualifications :Ā  B.Sc.(Medical) Molecular Biology/Bio Technology from a recognized University
Age: 18 ā€“ 50 years
Pay :Ā  Rs.5910-20200+2400GP

13. Name of the post: Technical Assistant
Post Code :Ā  742
Department :Ā  Electrical Inspectorate
Vacancies: 3
Qualifications :Ā  i) Matric from a recognized Board of School Education.
ii) Three years Diploma in Electrical Engineering or B.E/B.Tech. Degree in Electrical Engineering from a University duly recognized by the State/Central Government.
Age: 18 ā€“ 45 years
Pay :Ā  Rs.10300-34800+3800GP

14. Name of the post: Junior Environmental Engineer
Post Code :Ā  743
Department :Ā  HP State Pollution Control Board
Vacancies: 14
Qualifications :Ā  1st Class Bachelorā€™s Degree in either Chemical, Environmental, Civil, Industrial or Mechanical Engineering.
Age: 18 ā€“ 50 years
Pay :Ā  Rs. 10300-34800+3800GP

15. Name of the post: Electrician
Post Code :Ā  744
Department :Ā  HP General Industries Corporation Ltd.
Vacancies: 1
Qualifications :Ā  ITI Certificate in the trade with four years experience in the line.
Age: 18 ā€“ 45 years
Pay :Ā  Rs.5910-20200+1900GP

16. Name of the post: Civil Defence Instructor/Chief Instructor/Platoon Commander/Administrative Officer / Assistant Store Officer
Post Code :Ā  745
Department :Ā  Home Guards & Civil Defence
Vacancies: 3
Qualifications :Ā  Should have passed atleast 10+2 Examination from a recognized University/ Board of School Education or its equivalent. AND Should be Holding honorary Rank of Platoon Commander or above in the Home Guards Organization & with continued service as such for the last three years. OR Should be a serving Havildar Instructor/Quarter Master Havildar in the Home Guards Department for atleast three years. OR Should be a released / Retired Officer of the Indian Army, who has held the rank of Naib Subedar or above with atleast 3 years service as such.
Age: 18 ā€“ 45 years
Pay :Ā  Rs. 10300-34800+3600GP

Mode of Selection: Part-I (Written test of 85 marks), Part-II (Evaluation of 15 Marks)

Examination fee:Ā  1) General Category (including General Ex-Servicemen of HP relieved from Defence Services on their own request before completion of normal tenure, and reserved categories of other states) ā€“ Rs. 360/-
2) General IRDP, Physically Handicapped, Ward of Freedom Fighter, Ward of ExServicemen of HP ā€“ Rs. 120/-
3) S.C. of H.P. /S.T. of H.P. /O.B.C. of H.P. (including S.C. /S.T. /O.B.C. Ex-Servicemen of H.P. relieved from Defence Services on their own requests before completion of normal tenure and SC/ ST/ OBC, IRDP, Physically Handicapped, Ward of Freedom Fighter, Ward of Ex-Servicemen of H.P) – Rs. 120/-
4) Ex-Servicemen of H.P. (Ex-Servicemen, who are relieved from Defense Services after completion of normal tenure) / Blind of H.P./ Visually Impaired of H.P ā€“ No fee

Candidates can pay requisite Exam. Fee through one of the following modes:-
(a) Online Payment Gateway or
(b) Offline computer generated Challan or
(c) Lokmitra Kendra

Important date: The last date of online application is 04.04.2019 till 11.59 PM, thereafter website link will be disabled.

How to apply: Candidates have to apply via online mode from the link ā€“ Click here

The candidates are strictly advised to apply online well in advance to avoid rush during closing dates of submission of Online Recruitment Applications. No offline Application Form will be accepted by the Commission.

Desiring and deserving candidates are suggested to check the official notification and website for more details:

Official notification: Click hereĀ 

Official website: http://hpsssb.hp.gov.in



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